Dematerialised menus solution.

Dematerialised menus solution.

LiveMenu, your restaurant menu live on your customers' mobile phones.

Take advantage of a complete digital management solution for your restaurant menus. With LiveMenu, you can give your customers easy access to your restaurant's menu via their smartphone.


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How does it work?

Live Menu works very simply. You, the restaurant owner, create your menus on our platform via an easy-to-use interface. You print out your QR codes and place them wherever you like in your restaurant. This could be directly on the tables, or at the entrance to your dining rooms. You know your dining rooms better than we do, and you'll find the solutions best suited to your situation. Your customers arrive and scan the QR Code with their mobile, and your card appears directly on their mobile. You can then take orders as before.

Livemenu step 1
Livemenu step 2
Livemenu step 3
Livemenu step 4
Livemenu Interface

Opt for an accelerated resumption of your activity by benefiting from the advantages of digital technology.

  1. Unlimited number of menus
  2. Keep your menus up to date
  3. Quick and easy to use
  4. No computer skills required
  5. Customise your menus
  6. Automatic QR code
  7. Detailed information on dishes (composition, allergens, nutritional values, etc.)
Jean-Baptiste LEBRUN
Jean-Baptiste LEBRUN
Managing director, digital manager
+33 (0) 4 93 00 15 31
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